By installing the software (SimTools), you agree to have read and understood the risks of editing and making your own settings. Please be cautious while making your own settings.
This software is Plug & Play, it comes with plugins for most games, and we will continue to support new games. The configurations in the software are standard configurations and might not suit your needs. If you wish to make changes to the settings, please make sure to read the guide thoroughly before changing the settings.
This guide also features a brief explanation of the different settings and how to change them. If you want to have a more in-depth knowledge of the options SimTools offer, please take a look at the official SimTools guide. (The guide is not made for the RacingCUBE, and you might not be able to use some functions)
The official SimTools guide from the developers can be found here: Temporary Forum until beta is over.
Guides will be available for different games that need further tweaking to allow telemetry and the simulator to work with them. For further support with third-party software, please consult the official guides from the developers. Fasetech will provide limited support for game software where practical and where such support is necessary for the operation of the RacingCUBE. We cannot be held responsible for day-to-day game and software operation unless otherwise specified.
Please note that only the most popular games have been optimised by us.
You can download all the software we provide by clicking the link below. This includes SimTools with plugins.
*Use as the email to activate your license key.
If you have bought a computer through our web shop, SimTools will be located on the desktop ready for install.
As windows requires us to have a set password now, we always use
The filenamen can be slightly different depending on RC4 model and SimTools version.
Extract the ZIP file into a folder of your choosing, by right-clicking it and choose Extract All.
By default, Windows will open the extracted folder. If it does not, you will need to go into it manually. Inside, you will see two files: 'SetupConfig.txt' and 'SimTools_Installer.exe'. Execute the 'SimTools_Installer.exe' file by double-clicking on it.
This will start the installation proccess of SimTools 3. Follow the onscreen instructions untill it says Finish, click on that too.
Once SimTools 3 is installed, you will need to run it by clicking on the icon on your desktop.
Once you start SimTools 3, you will be met with the initial setup windows. Here you need to follow the on-screen text as it will help you connect the PC to the RC4.
This is the most important one and is used in all our models as this is the telemetry connection.
(RC4-PRO only) This windows will only show if you have the RC4-PRO, as we need additional information from the game with SimTools GameDash. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Congratulations! You have installed and configures SimTools 3!
Once SimTools is insalled, you will need to activate your copy in order to install game plugins.
Use and your private activation key to activate SimTools 3.
You MUST use for the email address. You can use both SimTools 2 and 3 keys.
You can find your License key at the link below.
Before you can get into your favorite game, you will need to install the game plugin specifically for that game. Click the marked button to browse the games we have calibrated for you beforehand.
Here you can see all the games we have calibrated for the best experience. Do not worry, there are far more plugins, which we will go over in a bit.
As we have already pre-configured all other elements you do not need to worry about the other tabs (Axis Plugins, Interface Plugins etc.)
To install a plugin, hover over the desired game and press install.
It is ask you if you wish to install the plugin, press yes.
Some game plugins and games will require you to do something in order to get it working, read this information carefully.
Some game require a path, usually SimTools will tell you where to look.
You plugin is now installed, and you can start the game by double-clicking on the plugin icon. You can also launch the game from Steam or your desktop if you prefer, SimTools 3 will recognize it's running.
This is the basics of SimTools 3, and you are ready to use the RC4. For more advanced features and custom motion settings, continue below.
SimTools 3 is a large step up from SimTools 2 and we can now update the software live and detect errors. You have 4 indicators that will give you different useful information.
The frontpage is the first page you see once you start SimTools 3, here you can navigate to all other pages you will need.
By default you will see the plugins we have pre-configure in the Plugin Manager. These are the plugins we know works and have manually adjusted for the perfect experience. If you wish to install other plugins you will need to press on the Repo button in the bottom left corner.
Locate the Community Repositories By SimTools and click that.
There will be other repositories, but you CANNOT use others than the public and ours (Fasetech). Doing so can cause damage on the platform.
Next you will have to choose betweek a computer and a console repository. Choose the computer repository.
Now you can see the full list of plugins for SimTools 3. This list will continue to get updated with new titles.
WARNING - These plugins have not been configured by us and you will need to do that yourself. Please read the whole software manual to get a better understanding of configuring game plugins from scratch.
ASC is a RC4-PRO exclusive feature made to control the motors depending on the in-game velocity. This feature is dependant on GameDash which is included in SimTools 3, and configures upon installation.
If you need to check if it works, look for the A on your display. If that is marked green while in-game, you are good to go.
The Output Testing is not always reliable and can misbehave in some situations, and therefore we will be testing the simulator in-game to make sure everything is working, and the configurations are set up properly. Live for Speed ( is the default testing game used to calibrate the simulator and the only game where we can make sure everything works.
Fortunately, the game is free to a certain extent, and by verifying that the simulator moves as expected, you will be sure there is nothing wrong with the hardware or SimTools. After testing with LFS, you can try other games and settings, but please be aware that we will not be able to help with configurations or setup besides the guides on the forums.
Some games come with pre-configured settings, and we will continue to add more default settings. The settings we provide are standard settings and might not suit everyone's preferences. Therefore, it is possible to edit them yourself. The settings are split into two parts: Axis Assignments and Tuning Center. We will discuss both.
We have chosen not to limit the platform's performance and grant you access to every function in SimTools. We understand that people have different needs and setups, and this requires different settings. However, not imposing limitations also comes with certain risks, as a heavy setup can potentially damage your equipment due to the strength of this platform. We urge you to read the information below very carefully and monitor the platform. Deviating too much or having very aggressive and excessive axis travel can cause damage to you or your equipment.